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The Science Behind: Vaping

Thanks to the Tobacco Use Prevention Education program at my school, I'm scarred for life by the unsightly images of smokers' lungs.

However, I did also learn an awful lot of vapes. The e-cigarette first came out in 2003, however, the idea has been around since 1963.

When they first entered the market they were advertised as products to help people escape their cigarette addiction, but what it ended up doing was making an entire generation nicotine-dependent.

Vapes were first promised to contain only water vapor, but both science and common sense has proved it to be otherwise. If water vapor could cure nicotine addiction you could just stick your head over a pot of boiling water, and be satisfied. Not that you should stick your head over a pot of boiling water.

Science has found over 80 chemicals in "vape juice" including some surprising ones like Acrolein whose primary use is to kill weeds. For almost a decade, big-name tobacco companies sold the world these products as lies. Vaping is harmful. Vape juice is NOT water vapor. Vaping IS addictive.

How do vapes work?

  • Vapes are battery-operated devices that discharge an aerosol that contains nicotine, marijuana, flavorings, and often other harmful chemicals. The batteries provide energy for the liquid to vaporize.

  • Vaping is indeed inhaling vapor just not water vapor. That's the difference between drinking perfume and water.

Why is vaping popular among teens?

  • Until very recently, vapes were easily available to the youth. In fact, big companies often TARGETED the youth, because they knew that if a person got addicted to nicotine as a teenager, they would most likely continue it all throughout their life. Which for that company meant M O N E Y.

  • Vaping is seen as cool for some reason. I mean, I really don't see anything trendy about poisoning your body with flavored vapor, but thanks to all the glamorizing done by social media, and Hollywood, it's considered cool.

  • Family and friends have a huge influence on a potential smoker/vaper's life. If you have someone in your life that smokes/vapes your mind is more likely to try to normalize it.

Sources to quit

It's never too late to do the right thing. Even though scientists might not know everything about vaping, there are enough statistics to know it's deadly.

There are many numbers you can call: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).

You can also chat with an expert virtually at the National Cancer Institute’s LiveHelp website or texting QUIT to 47848.

You can talk to a therapist or a life coach. It's not embarrassing to want help, in fact, is one of the bravest acts. Being weak is giving in to your addiction.

Moral of the story? Don't vape!

Vaping doesn't only affect you, it affects everyone around you, but more on that later.

Until next time...

Stay Curious ;)





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