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The Science Behind: Cameras

As a kid, I've always been fascinated by how cameras captured your memories in a click. The photos would come looking very perfect, no matter what pose or facial expression I would do. The photos would look like ME. Little did I know how hard it would be for the person who was trying to take a picture. I used to think this was magic but, there was only so much a two-year-old could think of at that age. Of course, now, I know that magic isn't the answer to how cameras take pictures. How does a camera take pictures? What is the secret to taking good pictures?

A camera has three basic parts: a mechanical, an optical, and a chemical element.

The optical element of a camera is called a lens. It is a small piece of glass. It uses light rays that bounce around from one place to another and redirects that light to form a clear picture of whatever you are trying to take a picture of. Since a lens is made up of glass, you can also zoom in to or zoom out of a scene.

The chemical element is the film, which basically "captures" the image. When light from the lens is hit on the films, they can see the shape and other details of an object. This is why no matter what pose or face expression you do, the film is able to capture it.

Finally, the mechanical part of a camera is the structure of the camera itself. The more lens a camera has in the structure of the camera, the better quality photos that the camera can take. Cameras can be in various sizes. It can be as small as the ones on your iPhone or be a big, heavy, bulky one.

Even if you aren't a professional photographer, you can take good pictures by doing simple things like adjusting the light, and the angle the photo is being taken. If you take a picture in a dark place without any light, the clarity of the image won't be as good versus if there was light. Taking photos from different angles can make an object look different and unique. It is not just that. You can use props and different backgrounds to make your photo the way you want. If that is not enough, you can use digital software like Pixlr or Photoshop to help edit your photos.

And this is the science behind how cameras can take pictures! So, the next time you see a photo you find interesting or attractive, try to find out why? Is it because of the lighting? Where the picture was taken? Or perhaps it was all thanks to the camera that person who took it for you!

I hope you had fun reading this article and found out something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know by leaving a comment. If you have any topics you would like me to write about, let me know in the suggestion box.



Now smile for the camera!


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